Dan Robert

  • Node.js is a perfect runtime to create a CLI script that can run on any machine that has Node installed. A CLI program in Node is really just an ordinary Node.js app. In order to make the program available to be executed by your machine, we need to do a couple of small setup steps.…

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  • Typically, when I need to debug something with dev tools on a mobile layout, Chrome’s device toolbar is sufficient enough. Occasionally, it’s necessary to debug right on the device, since certain things differ between Safari and Chrome’s emulation. The downside is that, at the time of writing this, you can’t use dev tools on your…

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  • When debugging in JavaScript, browser extenstions can be a potential source of confusion. At the very least, they may add additional noise to the process. In order to make sure you’re not dealing with any extra code outside of your application, you can use Incognito Mode to browse in private. This disables all of your extensions…

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  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a popular programming paradigm that allows us a way to structure and maintain complex code. Unlike other programming languages that use class-based object orientation, JavaScript uses prototype-based object orientation. This difference may be a source of confustion for developers coming from a class-based language, especially when using the “syntactical sugar” of…

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  • In order for JavaScript to operate in the way that it does, it relies on three core components: I am not covering the concept of asynchronicity here but I will go over that in a future post(s). Memory & The Thread of Execution When a JavaScript program runs it goes through the code, line-by-line, and…

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  • I knew GitHub supported emojis – I often use them in PR messages, comments, etc. What I didn’t know is that you can also add emojis in your commit messages. For example, if you wanted to include an Octocat emoji, you can write your commit message as follows: If you’ve spent any time working in…

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  • Up until now, we only had two ways to write a string in JavaScript – single and double quotes. If we wanted to interpolate a variable with one of these string options, we’d need to break out of the string and concatenate the variable. As of ES2015, we are able to use Template Literals (AKA…

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  • New with ES6, we have an additional way to write function expressions in our code – as arrow functions. This new syntax offers 3 main benefits: They are much more concise than regular function expressions/definitions They have implicit returns, which allow us to write single-line expressions (much like we can do with conditionals and the…

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  • As of ES6, we have two new ways to define variables, in addition to the classic var keyword. Each are a little bit different in their own way and I’ll break down those differences in this article.

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  • A few weeks ago, I gave a presentation at WordCamp Greenville on CSS Grid Layout. It was the very first WordCamp Greenville and also my first conference talk so it was a pretty exciting experience for me all around. You can watch the full recording of my talk below: Additionally, you can view my presentation…

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